Mind Control

Administrative State = Vatican City

Since prehistory, mind control has been the sinister art of the psychopath, sociopath, narcissist, and megalomaniac. Those who crave power have learned that the most efficient slavery is not achieved by capturing the body of the slave, but their mind.

"Narcissists try to destroy your life with lies because theirs can be destroyed with the truth."

Humankind instinctively forms communities to cooperate for mutual benefit, and for this reason most people accept leadership as a natural condition. This “herd mentality” can be insidiously exploited, because by capturing the leadership in the institutional power centres of a society, of a nation, of the world, its entire population can be socially engineered.

Societies, then, become populations of “human resources” in which people are reduced to human capital, or “livestock”, to be managed as if on a farm. On this planetary farm, the human “livestock” are programmed by both psychological and technological inputs.

The social engineers never question that they have a right to rule - by a divine providence, a superior eugenic bloodline, and a superhuman intelligence. They advance their plans by secrecy, deception, and lies, because from their elevated perspective their vision of a world government by “collectivism” is a godly craft requiring hidden powers and the morality of war. The ensuing death of countless people is not only “collateral damage”, but necessary depopulation. In this secret war, the “ends justifies the means”, and “out of chaos, comes order” - their order, a “New World Order”.

By dominating societal knowledge, including childhood and higher education, book publishing, the mainstream news media, popular entertainment, technical research and innovation, and patents and copyrights, the global elite have been able to construct an alternative reality.

An alternative reality controls the minds of the "livestock", or "sheeple".

The corporate media is "owned".

If you don't control your mind, someone else will.

Programming is achieved by television "programming".

Indoctrination begins with a class-based education system which programmes conformity and obedience from an early age. Behaviour modification is achieved with Pavlovian “classic conditioning” using positive and negative reinforcement. The desired response is rewarded. The undesired response is punished. Children become non-questioning adult workers and consumers, while university graduates become their professional minders.

Classic conditioning suppresses individuality, self-determination, independence, free-thinking, creativity, rational observation, and a sense of autonomy – everything that makes people human – a capacity for self-realisation, a desire to create and evolve, a perception of values and wisdom, and an endless curiosity and fascination with nature and the world, without any of which there is no humanity, only mindless slavery.

Throughout society, compliance to institutional authority is constantly reinforced by officialdom, breeding a fearful culture in which questioning the status quo is confrontational, and critical-thinking is almost eliminated.

A daily stream of conflicting information undermines reality, leading to “cognitive dissonance” - a psychological tension arising from contrary beliefs that makes it easier to modify thoughts. The transition between paradigms is disturbing, often causing violence - a pretext for more suppression.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete ..."

"1984", by George Orwell.

The psychological weaponry includes the often used Hegelian Dialectic, or Problem > Reaction > Solution, in which the social engineers “create a problem”, “manufacture a reaction”, and “provide a solution”. In this way, a peaceful society can be turned to war, freedom can be protected by sacrificing rights in a police state, and any resistance to the narrative can be dangerous.

Problem > Reaction > Solution

"All we need is the right major crisis ..."

Resistance to control is instinctive, but when resistance is constantly punished to the point of futility, the mind is reduced to a state of “learned helplessness” in which resistance stops because punishment is normal. “Learned helplessness” is a Post Traumatic Stress Disorder that switches off the conscious mind as a coping strategy. The mind under relentless stress accepts what is irrational. In this false reality “public servants have authority over the people they serve”, “debt is money and a debt can be paid with another debt”, “fictional entities such as corporations have the rights of living people”, and “endless economic growth in a finite world is possible regardless of the exponential function of compound interest”.

The only defense to mind control is to dismiss what is false by seeking what is real, through critical examination, and by ASKING QUESTIONS.

“Until you know who you are, and really what you are, you are out of control.
You're hurtable and manipulatable, and that's just a fact.” - Joe Marshalla.

The quality of your life is based on the questions you ask. And until you ask who am I, what am I, because everything about mind control is about taking you away from yourself, from your point of view, and your point of view is sacred, and it is your birthright, and your birthright has been stripped from you, and your birthright has been influenced, and your mind has been hijacked by ideas and thoughts leading you to, really, unconscious behaviours. One gains peace of mind when one gains certainty. Fear is letting go of the known. FEAR - FANTISED EVENTS APPEARING REAL

Subservience is also ingrained in society through the manipulation of language, because words express beliefs, and false words create false beliefs. “Legalese”, the codified language of the Admiralty Maritime jurisdiction, systematises many de-powering words, such as “submission”, “application”, “petition”, “appeal”, “plea”, and “request”. These are the words of a servant, and in a legal context they establish a diminished jurisdictional status. Whereas sovereign men and women in the Common Law jurisdiction establish their “standing” by using words such as “notice”, “order”, “demand”, “verification”, and “require”.

In addition, numerous technological inputs are used to control the behaviour, productivity, health (physical and mental), fertility, and longevity of the “livestock”, including modified foods, prescribed drugs, laced vaccinations, electromagnetic fields and frequencies, and toxic water, soil, and air. The controlability and usefulness of the herd is enhanced by keeping it generally in a condition of malnutrition, dumbed down and pacified, divided against each other, and occupied with trivialities.

A global network of inter-dependant industries has been developed to manage the “livestock” efficiently. The cancer industry needs a steady supply of victims and is supported by the modified food, pharmaceutical and advertising industries. The illegal drug industry needs a thriving black market to keep the private prison industry well stocked, and is supported by the entertainment, military, and legal industries. While the war industry needs cycles of death and destruction to maintain the military industrial complex, and is supported by the banking, energy, and mainstream media industries, and so on.

War recruiting posters featuring Kitchener WW1, and Uncle Sam WW1 and WW2.

WW1 propaganda poster delivering profits to the bankers who funded both sides.

More sinister are the secret programmes such as “MKUltra” that create special purpose mental slaves by subjecting young victims to mind-altering hypnosis, drugs, and repeated trauma that fractures the mind producing split personalities serving different functions. The elites have learned that scarring the brain stem produces a photographic memory, producing mental slaves for living data storage and retrieval.

Altogether, a network of global corporate control manages the planetary farm, directing the flow of “commercial energy”, operating a centralised system of theft and coercion (debt-money and legislation).

A network of global corporate control.

How the “commercial energy” of the people is harvested is perhaps the master stroke of the elite. This is because they have codified the artificial world of “legal fiction” commerce so insidiously that free men and women walk into it unawares, as if into a debtor's prison. It is a simple matter of ensuring their incapacity.

To achieve absolute control over a sovereign man or woman it is necessary to remove their “private capacity” in the Common Law jurisdiction by transferring them into an inferior “public capacity” in the Admiralty Maritime jurisdiction, ultimately administered by the elite class.

Sovereigns are born endowed with Unalienable Rights antecedent to the State, so the only way they can lose those rights is by exercising their unlimited right to contract.

A constitutional government created by sovereign people cannot define the rights of its creators, whom it serves. But a government can register and regulate artificial legal “persons”, and thereby control its own “creatures of the State” with statutory contracts in the Admiralty Maritime jurisdiction. A man or woman who consents, freely or unwittingly, to “act” in “joinder” to an artificial legal “person” is an “accommodation party” contracted to serve in a “public capacity” controlled by the issuing authority, the State.

The international banking cabal has captured Western nations through indebtedness, imposing a Chapter 11 bankruptcy in the 1930s. In this debt-money system, the liability for the national corporate debt has been transferred to the people via the artificial legal “persons” created by the State on the Birth Certificate, which is a bond.

Whenever a baby is born the State insists on registering a legal “person” by combining the baby's Given name with its Family name. This NAME, which is an estate Trust providing “surety” in the debt-money system, is a registered member of the Universal Postal Union, and anyone who uses such a NAME consents to the codes, rules, regulations, and acts of legal commerce under the Admiralty Maritime Jurisdiction.

Of course, the baby's parents are not consulted, and so the child grows up associating the dead corporate entity NAME such as – JOHN HENRY ADAMS with its living Common Law name such as – John-Henry: of the family Adams. But a contract is not valid unless consent is given knowingly, willingly, and with full disclosure, so the corporate entity is established by fraud. The NAME trick is called “mirroring” and it is the most important deception because it provides the banking cabal with legal control via the captured State. This legal control is essential for the “harvesting” of “commercial energy” in the debt-money system.

The debt-slavery formulae is: Scarcity > Dependence > Control

The State places the NAME on endless offers of contract to whoever will consent to take responsibility for the liabilities of the NAME, offering various “benefits” and “privileges” which associated fees, levies, penalties, fines, and taxes. Moreover, in the legal system, consent can be procured by any submission to presumed authority, and even by silence.

“Sub-sulentio” Under silence, without any notice being taken. Passing a thing sub silentio may be evidence of consent. - [Black's Law Dictionary, Fourth Edition, p 1593]

When living men and women think they are the legal "person" NAME, which is an estate Trust, they become liable.

“Mirroring” the NAME converts free men and women into unwitting debt slaves and burdens them with unseen adhesion contracts for the benefit of their parasitic masters. By such trickery, the “livestock” is farmed.

“The ideal tyranny is that which is generally self-administered by its victims. The most perfect slaves are, therefore, those which blissfully and unawaredly enslave themselves.” - Dresden James.

"None are more hopelessly enslaved ..."

Finally, knowing oneself – the truth in one's heart and soul, is the only counter to slavery by deception. We instinctively know that no man or woman is born as our master. Accordingly, we should also know that the origin of all legal jurisdiction over a man or woman is their consent, given knowingly or unknowingly.

Mind Control

Money Control

Military Control